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The X2 Story

Led by a pioneer of the CRM industry, X2Engine was built on a rich history of innovation. Founder David Buchanan has revolutionized CRM with an unconventional approach that pushes the boundaries of customer management.


The Birth of Aurum Software

David Buchanan established Aurum Software in 1988. The company’s innovative approach integrated three essential components of CRM: sales, telemarketing, and support. This set Aurum apart from its contemporaries, demonstrating a commitment to comprehensive customer management.

However, what truly distinguished Aurum was its decision to develop its application using a high-level interpretative language known as 4GL at the time. This unconventional move allowed customers unparalleled access to the source code. The rationale behind this was simple: most CRM customers needed additional customizations tailored to their specific needs. By offering the source code for free, Aurum empowered its customers to extend and enhance the CRM without being restricted by proprietary constraints.

Aurum’s disruptive approach bore fruit, with the company going public in 1996. One individual at Aurum Software in particular would go on to leave an indelible mark on the CRM industry—John Roberts.

John Roberts
& David Buchanan

John Roberts and David Buchanan

The Founding of SugarCRM

In 1994, a young and ambitious John Roberts joined Aurum Software, fresh out of college. As John honed his skills at Aurum, he was laying the groundwork for an even greater venture — the founding of SugarCRM, a groundbreaking OpenSource business application. By adopting an OpenSource model, SugarCRM democratized CRM access and customization, allowing businesses of all sizes to leverage the power of CRM solutions without excessive costs.


The Evolution of X2Engine

As fate would have it, Buchanan and Roberts would cross paths, sparking a meeting that would significantly impact John’s journey and eventually lead to the birth of X2Engine. This mentorship would set the stage for an even more transformative venture.

Driven by his unwavering belief in the potential of cloud software infrastructure, John Roberts founded X2Engine in 2011. Armed with a wealth of experience from his time at Aurum Software and the success of SugarCRM, he set out to create a next-generation CRM that would push the boundaries of customer management.

As X2 continues to evolve, it remains committed to pushing the boundaries of CRM, leveraging the latest advancements in cloud technology and fostering an environment of seamless customization for our customers.